Monday, June 14, 2010

Here's a Challenge for You

Well over a hundred years ago, a book written by Charles Sheldon was published. That book – In His Steps – is the source of the famous “What would Jesus do?” question. No . . . it really didn’t begin with those ubiquitous WWJD bracelets and associated paraphernalia. So – have you read it? Ever? I confess that even though I knew of the book, I had never read it. But, because the Women’s Ministry selected In His Steps as its book for the June meeting, I bought it, read it, and am still amazed.

Here is my story. As I read through the pages of In His Steps, I couldn’t help wondering – What if I applied the “what would Jesus do” test just like some of the book’s characters did? How difficult would that be? Oh sure, there are times when it would be easy and times when it would give me the push to do the “right” thing. But, what about the times when I would be uncomfortable, or others would be made uncomfortable as a result? What about when it would be really inconvenient? What about when it would have a cost I didn’t want to pay? What about when it impacted what other people thought and how they treated me? What about when it actually had an unwanted, unwelcome effect on my life, my family, my job, my friends, my hobbies . . . so, you get the idea. Yes, I want to “do what Jesus would do.” But, my goodness, I don’t want to suffer . . . not really! Guess what. I don’t choose the consequences; I only make the decision. And it IS a hard decision – it only sounds simple.

So here comes the challenge. Get the book and read it! It isn’t hard to find – it is one of the bestselling books of all time – seriously. Then, leave a comment at this blog about your reaction to the book. Have you already read it, but it was a L-O-N-G time ago? Read it again. It’s that kind of book – one you need to keep and re-read every so often.

True confession. One reason I never read In His Steps is because it is so old – it was written in 1896. And my experience with the “classics” isn’t so positive – I mean, did you ever read The Red Badge of Courage? Didn’t like that one. At all. But, you know what? My favorite Book is MUCH older - and I can’t get enough of it! Okay – so go find In His Steps and read it. And tell us what you think.