Saturday, July 25, 2009

Like to Read? Like to Talk?

Henry Ward Beecher must have had me in mind when he asked, "Where is human nature so weak as in a bookstore?" I have loved books all my life. As a child, if I had to choose between taking my dolls along or taking my books, the books ALWAYS won. I even read directions! Maybe reading is your hobby - you love it and you read every chance you get. Or maybe you like to read, but you just don't quite have the time to fit it into your busy life. Well . . . whatever the case, we have a book club for you! Here's the deal - our next Book Club meeting will be August 6th at 6:00 p.m. in Room 144. The book we'll be discussing is Never the Bride by Cheryl McKay and Rene Gutteridge. Now, here's one of the best things about our Book Club. You are welcome (invited!) to come, even if you haven't finished the book - or even started. Really. Now, you might be wondering how it could be any fun at all if you don't even know what the book is about. Come and see. You will have a great time meeting with others who share your passion for reading. So what if you haven't read the book yet - you'll get to find out ahead of time if you think it is worth the time. Julie Merritt leads our Book Club and does a fantastic job of organizing our discussion and keeping us all on track (as much as possible). Coming to the Book Club is not a permanent personal commitment. We meet the first Thursday of each month, but it is fine to just participate when your life/work/circumstances/schedule/family/etc. will allow. Hope to see you there!

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