Friday, April 3, 2015

"The place where Jesus didn't stay."

Years ago, the first time I saw a set of Resurrection Eggs, I knew I had to have them.  They were not terribly expensive – around $10 – and I knew I would be using them for years to come.  I still have them.  I still use them.  And, over the years, we have added to them.  My favorite egg is the empty one.

One year at Easter, when Matthew was around four years old, we got out the Resurrection Eggs and started opening them one by one.  We talked about the object inside the egg and what it meant.  When we got to the empty egg, Matthew got a certain look on his face and I knew what was happening.  He was doing his best to find a way to explain that empty egg.  So, I gently reminded him that it had something to do with a tomb.  And then he said, “Oh, that’s the word – tomb.  It’s the place where Jesus didn’t stay!” 

The empty tomb – proof of our risen Savior, our single hope of salvation.  Jesus, who lived and walked dirt roads and dusty streets, left that tomb and is alive today.  He intervenes for us today just as He did for those who literally walked with Him.  A rock tomb with a stone covering could not hold Him.  Evil could not triumph.  And nothing can change the truth of his resurrection. 

The place where Jesus didn’t stay.  That about sums it up. 
“And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.” - Luke 24:2-3

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